Least-squares fitting in Python =============================== Many fitting problems (by far not all) can be expressed as least-squares problems. What is least squares? ---------------- * Minimise :math:`\chi^2 = \sum_{n=1}^N \left(\frac{y_n - f(x_n)}{\sigma_n}\right)^2` * For non-Gaussian data noise, least squares is just a recipe (usually) without any probabilistic interpretation (no uncertainty estimates). `scipy.optimize.curve_fit` ---------------- `curve_fit` is part of `scipy.optimize` and a wrapper for `scipy.optimize.leastsq` that overcomes its poor usability. Like `leastsq`, `curve_fit` internally uses a Levenburg-Marquardt gradient method (greedy algorithm) to minimise the objective function. Let us create some toy data:: import numpy # Generate artificial data = straight line with a=0 and b=1 # plus some noise. xdata = numpy.array([0.0,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0]) ydata = numpy.array([0.1,0.9,2.2,2.8,3.9,5.1]) # Initial guess. x0 = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) Data errors can also easily be provided:: sigma = numpy.array([1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0]) The objective function is easily (but less general) defined as the model:: def func(x, a, b, c): return a + b*x + c*x*x Usage is very simple:: import scipy.optimize as optimization print optimization.curve_fit(func, xdata, ydata, x0, sigma) This outputs the actual parameter estimate (a=0.1, b=0.88142857, c=0.02142857) and the 3x3 covariance matrix. `scipy.optimize.leastsq` ---------------- Scipy provides a method called `leastsq` as part of its `optimize` package. However, there are tow problems: * This method is not well documented (no easy examples). * Error/covariance estimates on fit parameters not straight-forward to obtain. Internally, `leastsq` uses Levenburg-Marquardt gradient method (greedy algorithm) to minimise the score function. First step is to declare the objective function that should be minimised:: # The function whose square is to be minimised. # params ... list of parameters tuned to minimise function. # Further arguments: # xdata ... design matrix for a linear model. # ydata ... observed data. def func(params, xdata, ydata): return (ydata - numpy.dot(xdata, params)) The toy data now needs to be provided in a more complex way:: # Provide data as design matrix: straight line with a=0 and b=1 plus some noise. xdata = numpy.transpose(numpy.array([[1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0], [0.0,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0]])) Now, we can use the least-squares method:: print optimization.leastsq(func, x0, args=(xdata, ydata)) Note the `args` argument, which is necessary in order to pass the data to the function. This only provides the parameter estimates (a=0.02857143, b=0.98857143). Lack of robustness ---------------- Gradient methods such as Levenburg-Marquardt used by `leastsq`/`curve_fit` are greedy methods and simply run into the nearest local minimum. .. image:: demo-robustness-curve-fit.png Here is the code used for this demonstration:: import numpy,math import scipy.optimize as optimization import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Chose a model that will create bimodality. def func(x, a, b): return a + b*b*x # Term b*b will create bimodality. # Create toy data for curve_fit. xdata = numpy.array([0.0,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0]) ydata = numpy.array([0.1,0.9,2.2,2.8,3.9,5.1]) sigma = numpy.array([1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0]) # Compute chi-square manifold. Steps = 101 # grid size Chi2Manifold = numpy.zeros([Steps,Steps]) # allocate grid amin = -7.0 # minimal value of a covered by grid amax = +5.0 # maximal value of a covered by grid bmin = -4.0 # minimal value of b covered by grid bmax = +4.0 # maximal value of b covered by grid for s1 in range(Steps): for s2 in range(Steps): # Current values of (a,b) at grid position (s1,s2). a = amin + (amax - amin)*float(s1)/(Steps-1) b = bmin + (bmax - bmin)*float(s2)/(Steps-1) # Evaluate chi-squared. chi2 = 0.0 for n in range(len(xdata)): residual = (ydata[n] - func(xdata[n], a, b))/sigma[n] chi2 = chi2 + residual*residual Chi2Manifold[Steps-1-s2,s1] = chi2 # write result to grid. # Plot grid. plt.figure(1, figsize=(8,4.5)) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.09, bottom=0.09, top=0.97, right=0.99) # Plot chi-square manifold. image = plt.imshow(Chi2Manifold, vmax=50.0, extent=[amin, amax, bmin, bmax]) # Plot where curve-fit is going to for a couple of initial guesses. for a_initial in -6.0, -4.0, -2.0, 0.0, 2.0, 4.0: # Initial guess. x0 = numpy.array([a_initial, -3.5]) xFit = optimization.curve_fit(func, xdata, ydata, x0, sigma)[0] plt.plot([x0[0], xFit[0]], [x0[1], xFit[1]], 'o-', ms=4, markeredgewidth=0, lw=2, color='orange') plt.colorbar(image) # make colorbar plt.xlim(amin, amax) plt.ylim(bmin, bmax) plt.xlabel(r'$a$', fontsize=24) plt.ylabel(r'$b$', fontsize=24) plt.savefig('demo-robustness-curve-fit.png') plt.show()