Fitting a spectrum with Blackbody curves ======================================== In this example we fit a 1-d spectrum using ``curve_fit`` that we generate from a known model. We use the covariance matrix returned by ``curve_fit`` to estimate the 1-sigma parameter uncertainties for the best fitting model:: from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import pylab as plt import numpy as np def blackbody_lam(lam, T): """ Blackbody as a function of wavelength (um) and temperature (K). returns units of erg/s/cm^2/cm/Steradian """ from scipy.constants import h,k,c lam = 1e-6 * lam # convert to metres return 2*h*c**2 / (lam**5 * (np.exp(h*c / (lam*k*T)) - 1)) wa = np.linspace(0.1, 2, 100) # wavelengths in um T1 = 5000. T2 = 8000. y1 = blackbody_lam(wa, T1) y2 = blackbody_lam(wa, T2) ytot = y1 + y2 np.random.seed(1) # make synthetic data with Gaussian errors sigma = np.ones(len(wa)) * 1 * np.median(ytot) ydata = ytot + np.random.randn(len(wa)) * sigma # plot the input model and synthetic data plt.figure() plt.plot(wa, y1, ':', lw=2, label='T1=%.0f' % T1) plt.plot(wa, y2, ':', lw=2, label='T2=%.0f' % T2) plt.plot(wa, ytot, ':', lw=2, label='T1 + T2\n(true model)') plt.plot(wa, ydata, ls='steps-mid', lw=2, label='Fake data') plt.xlabel('Wavelength (microns)') plt.ylabel('Intensity (erg/s/cm$^2$/cm/Steradian)') # fit two blackbodies to the synthetic data def func(wa, T1, T2): return blackbody_lam(wa, T1) + blackbody_lam(wa, T2) # Note the initial guess values for T1 and T2 (p0 keyword below). They # are quite different to the known true values, but not *too* # different. If these are too far away from the solution curve_fit() # will not be able to find a solution. This is not a Python-specific # problem, it is true for almost every fitting algorithm for # non-linear models. The initial guess is important! popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, wa, ydata, p0=(1000, 3000), sigma=sigma) # get the best fitting parameter values and their 1 sigma errors # (assuming the parameters aren't strongly correlated). bestT1, bestT2 = popt sigmaT1, sigmaT2 = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)) ybest = blackbody_lam(wa, bestT1) + blackbody_lam(wa, bestT2) print 'True model values' print ' T1 = %.2f' % T1 print ' T2 = %.2f' % T2 print 'Parameters of best-fitting model:' print ' T1 = %.2f +/- %.2f' % (bestT1, sigmaT1) print ' T2 = %.2f +/- %.2f' % (bestT2, sigmaT2) degrees_of_freedom = len(wa) - 2 resid = (ydata - func(wa, *popt)) / sigma chisq =, resid) print degrees_of_freedom, 'dof' print 'chi squared %.2f' % chisq print 'nchi2 %.2f' % (chisq / degrees_of_freedom) # plot the solution plt.plot(wa, ybest, label='Best fitting\nmodel') plt.legend(frameon=False) plt.savefig('fit_bb.png')